Has technology redefined learning?
Yes! I believe that technology has redefined learning. Technology is a part of our daily lives and an integral part of our future. The way we teach our children needs to reflect this. Watch Alan November's video about 21st century learning, The Myths and Opportunities of Technology in the Classroom [Alan November]. In this video, it is stated that there needs to be a shift of control from the teacher to the students. Rather than the teacher feeding information to students, students need to be finding and discovering information, collaborating together to be creative and innovative and the teacher needs to facilitate this learning. Technology has opened doors that truly cannot and should not be closed. Instead, people should embrace technology. Utilize it as the tool that it is. There are so many fascinating paths that technology can lead us down. I particularly love how global technology is. The fact that students can communicate instantly with other students from all over the world and learn from them and collaborate with them on educational projects is truly exciting. These are opportunities that simply were not possible in years past. Teachers, like Josh Stumpenhorst (Josh Stumpenhorst, 2012 Teacher of the Year), are embracing technology and have successfully integrated it into their classroom. I do believe this is the way of the future.
On the other hand, I find great value in hands on learning that does not involve technology. I think it is important to know how to have a polite verbal conversation with someone. It is important to go out and play, to grow a garden, to read paperback books, to listen to music and then to create more music and to engage with toys and manipulatives without the use of technology. There needs to be a balance. Teaching chidren purely through the means of technology would be just as big a disservice to our children as ignoring technology all together. Technology is an amazing tool that can enhance learning. It most certainly has altered the definition of learning and how teachers should facilitate learning.
Check out out collaborative notes that we took during our class readings this week. It was fun to read everyone's opinions as we progressed through the assignments.