Sunday, March 25, 2012

6 Great Apps for a PreK Classroom

I chose my favorite apps based on ones that I find to be very effective with my 4 year old son and ones that I feel would work very well in a PreK classroom.  Although I haven't taught in a classroom in 8 years, my last teaching experience was in a PreK Special Needs classroom.  This technology was not available then, but I know that my students would have greatly benefitted from these tools and from the apps listed below.

1.  See.Touch.Learn.  This is a really neat app that encourages vocabulary development in young children.  Individualized lessons can be created at various learning levels for students.

2.  LetterSchool  When it comes to learning letters and numerals and how to write them, this app is a fantastic tool.  It allows children to trace the letters and numerals in a fun and interactive way.  Then students can show mastery by creating the letter or numeral without guidelines.  My son loves this app!

3.  Abby - Preschool Shape Puzzle  What a fun app for creating and completing images. Children can drag puzzle pieces to the correct spot in order to complete a fun and motivating image.  Then, a silly monkey awards them when the puzzle is finished correctly.

4.  Things That Go Together  I really enjoy this app that focuses on the important skills of language development and problem solving.  Children are presented with pairs of pictures that they need to correctly match as to which go together.  I particularly like that I can add my own voice to the app so that my son can hear me reading the items aloud.  It is definitely a multi-sensory tool that engages the senses of sight, touch and hearing.  I also love it that it is totally customizable and can be made to fit the student.

5.  The Cat in the Hat  I love this book!  On this app, children can simply read the story and view the interesting Dr. Seuss images or they can listen to the story being read aloud to them.  Words are highlighted as they are read aloud when touched.  What a fantastic way to engage in a classical story like The Cat in the Hat.

6.  Motion Math - Hungry Fish  This is a fun app that focuses on addition and subtration fluency.  My son thinks it is so much fun and he particularly likes how he can change the fish's fins and colors.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Technology Tools as Related to Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

I really enjoyed experiencing many technology tools over the past two weeks.  After looking through the recommended sites (Top 100 Tools for 2011 from Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies, The 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools from Edudemic,  Top 100 Sites of 2011 from Tech&Learning), I investigated many of the tools listed.  I picked tools that I really enjoyed and could see myself using in a classroom.  In order to be included on my map, I needed to be able to actually think of a particular project or use for the tool in my classroom.  I also picked tools that were simple to use and simple to integrate into an educational setting.  Next, I reviewed the tool and thought about where it would fit into Bloom's Digital Taxonomy and the skills necessary to teach our students.  From there I created a map that was easy to read and easy to gain benefit.   A teacher can think about the outcome that is necessary from the upcoming lesson and chose appropriate technology to utilize.  If, for example, a teacher wants students to create a story map about their assigned topic in preparation for writing a report, the teacher can simply look at the skill "analyzing" and see a few options of tools that could be integrated into the lesson. and Popplet are two tools that would satisfy this educational outcome quite remarkably.  

Infusing technology on a regular basis into the classroom education is a necessary task for teachers.  In this day in age, students need to be able to complete projects that are interesting to them and that are preparing them for the world in which we live.  We live in a digital world. Educators really need to embrace this fact and align the education they are providing students with current human culture.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Technology has Redefined Learning

 W 531 from Katie Beik on Vimeo.

This video was composed to show how technology is infused into my family's life.  My children utilize technology (on a limited basis) daily.  They enjoy and benefit from it.    They are perfect examples of children that are beginning their careers as 21st century learners.