Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Technology has Redefined Learning

 W 531 from Katie Beik on Vimeo.

This video was composed to show how technology is infused into my family's life.  My children utilize technology (on a limited basis) daily.  They enjoy and benefit from it.    They are perfect examples of children that are beginning their careers as 21st century learners.


  1. Your video made me think - technology has redefined LIVING - not just learning, because of all the ways you can use your phone for daily tasks. Also, your description of teachers checking work through the computer programs, made me think that today's kids have NO EXCUSES anymore - the dog can't eat your homework - it's in the cloud! arf!
    Ciao - Jenny

  2. OK so I have to say it--what beautiful children you have! It's incredible how many avenues of life technology has infiltrated. I'm glad to see many teachers incorporating technology into lessons. the teachers my daughter has had don;t seem to do that so much, but I am confidant that is changing.

  3. Katie- I really agree with your thoughts on using technology yet still maintaining hands-on learning and understanding the importance of face-to-face collaboration and discussion. I also like how you show the usage of mobile technology. I must admit that mobile phone technology is something I am not very up-to-date with yet, so this was very informative. Thanks!

  4. I really like how you showed how your family uses technology! I think most of us were thinking about technology just in the classroom, so it was really great to see it from another perspective and how it impacts our daily lives.

  5. It's also awesome to see how much technology your kids have available to them!! :)
